(2021) Godzilla vs. Kong

This is pretty much everything I wanted from a Godzilla vs Kong film. It has a fuckton of badass fight scenes to counterbalance the usual human story bullshit. Also, it has some fantastic callbacks to earlier films for fans of the series, without feeling like they’re unnecessarily shoehorned in or forced in any way. I’m a huge Adam Wingard fan and especially after seeing his Blair Witch treatment, I wasn’t worried in the slightest about him taking on another horror monster icon like Godzilla.

These films tend to be starkly limited by current filmmaking technology, considering the scale a necessary use of CGI. With that being said though, this one keeps up with the times and is the best looking version to-date.

I’m fully on-board with any and every Godzilla film so fucking bring em’ on baby, daddy’s ready.


(2002) Cabin Fever

This being a good movie or not is really one of the greatest discussions within the horror film community. I really think the overall enjoyability of it is solid but the quality is where some debate can be had. Personally, I fucking love it and Roth’s horror fandom is woven in beautifully with ridiculous side characters, overall campiness and off-beat cinematography.

Also, speaking of ridiculous side characters, the party cop is one of my favorite people of all time. He actually makes the entire movie for me.

So yeah, if you enjoy a nice, raunchy, campy popcorn flick, there’s nothing to fear going into this one.
