(2010) Rammbock

I thought this was pretty dumb. The grey aesthetic is about as boring and played out as everything else in the film.

I will say the actual mechanics of the virus in this film are interesting and I feel could be impactful in the hands of either a more experienced director or larger budget.

It’s not terrible, it’s just not good either.



(2018) Hereditary

This was the first film I’ve seen where the hype and chatter surrounding it tripped me up and absolutely effected the way I perceived it.

Much like an NBA All-Star basketball game, Ari Astor utilizes all the best aspects of recent and less-recent horror success films to craft his summer blockbuster. This film reminded me of The Conjuring, A Dark Song and Donnie Darko. It works on almost every single level. It’s not just a showcase of entertainment but also incredibly detailed; speckled with foreshadowing, dynamic character relationships, twists and style.

The problem I had was that none of it felt original. I felt like I was being served up an amalgam of other director’s successes. That’s the thing though, the films you love dearly are often not the ones universally praised. It’s not even a hipster thing but we’re simply creatures who take pleasure in self-discovery. Something is always more powerful when it feels like it means something specific to you, rather than an exaggerated universal terror, iterated through every fucking headline in America.

It’s still really good though.


(2002) Eight Legged Freaks

This was kind of an odd success in my mind. The plot is so cliche that it almost works to its benefit. The somewhat-shitty CGI combined with spider roars, tucked in under a blanket of nonsense leeds me to believe it’s all intentional.

It’s fun, albeit limited in certain aspects but I dug it.


(2004) The Card Player

Straight up, literally can’t tell if this shit is dubbed originally or not. There’s definitely some american actors and yeah, I don’t know what’s going on.

It’s easily the worst Argento film I’ve ever seen, by a mile. It’s not only a poorly made film on a technical level but it’s painfully uninteresting.

There’s some seriously great shots though and they only seem to make it more disappointing.

It’s like glitter in shit.


(2012) Antiviral

Brandon Cronenberg’s debut feature is a gross, piteous statement on celebrity obsession and I loved every minute of it.

It’s shot remarkably well for a debut and the kid honestly shows so much talent straight out of the gate. The statement being made can seem simplistic at first but it’s approached on such an abstract level. It’s very much an original film, which is one of the best compliments I can give any modern horror film.


(2000) Leprechaun in the Hood

I actually think this might be my least favorite of the bunch, which is strange, being that it’s the only one I ever hear talked about.

I just kind of think the humor is a bit too slapstick-y. It’s not that I hate that style but it doesn’t really aline with the humor of the past films which was achieved through sheer absurdity. There’s way less body horror too.

It’s aight.

Nah it’s pretty bad.


(1994) Leprechaun 2

This movie is fucking ridiculous and honestly pretty amazing. It’s so over the top and shitty, I absolutely love it.

Warwick Davis is actually pretty great as the leprechaun. The style, story and overall execution of the film is as sloppy as ever but he’s iconic. I actually got grossed out while eating my fruit loops while looking at his gross, black lips.

I prefer this one to the original. It nails down the best death scene of the series (thus far) and manages to use a fantastic set of tits to do so.


(1993) Leprechaun

Reviewing this movie objectively, it kind of sucks. There’s a shitload of technical errors as well as the entire thing being stupid as shit.

Reviewing this movie as a fan of shitty movies, it’s awesome. Tons of great b-level practical effects and just an all around fun horror movie.

It doesn’t hurt that Jennifer Anniston is in her goddamn prime here.
